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Freelance Illustrator
2018 – Now

> Commissioned Botanical illustrations for medical plants

> Company Facebook cover illustration design

(Hong Kong International Medical Plants Botanic Garden 香港國際藥用植物園)

> Commissioned ecological illustrations

(yiofarm  · Agricultural Service 二澳農作社)

Mural Painting
Freelance Art Teacher
2018 – Now
Part-time Lecturer 2016 - Now

> Mural project Children’s Cancer Foundation

> Mural painting project for Pak Lap Village (funded by China New Horizons)

> Teach Adult Acrylic painting class

(@Hong Lok Yuen Country Club)

> Tearch “Drawing & Illustration”, “Fashion Illustration with CAD”, “Interactive Media”, etc..

(@Caritas Institute of Higher Education)

© 2020 by Elaine Wong

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